Or a copy of my Paper Mache Witch BOO't Tutorial!
Or a copy of my Paper Mache Witch BOO't Tutorial!
So, you know how I like to write short poems for my paper mache witch boots? Well, I think it would be cool for all you loyal followers of this blog to take a stab at it this time. Come on, it'll be fun! Don't fret if you're not a wordsmith. It's not a competition. Just give it a try, and I promise you're hard work will be rewarded. You'll even be entered for a chance to win this very boot!

I'm going to have a two part drawing:
One lucky winner chosen from a drawing of all who create verses will win my "Star-crossed Lovebirds" Witch BOO't. Just put a few words together in any poetry form of your choice. I have an additional prize for all who take the time to submit a verse. Not only will you be entered in the drawing for the boot and tutorials, but you can receive a printable digital copy of the "Star-crossed Lovebirds" boot image with a copy of the verses submitted as my personal "Thank You" for being such a good sport. Don't forget to include how you would like your name to be credited on your poem.
Example poem:
"The raven is black. The moon is white.
The birds on this boot better take flight tonight!"
- by mieljolie
Every follower who comments on this post by either submitting a verse, or by simply letting us know you're "in" will be entered for a chance to win one of two PDF copies of my paper mache witch BOO't tutorial. Those who share a link on their blog or social networking site and comment with the location here, will get an extra entry in the drawing.
This GIVEAWAY will end in one week or Monday, Oct. 24th.
- One lucky winner will win THIS BOOT for submitting a verse!
- Two different winners will receive one of two PDF copies of my paper mache witch boot tutorial just for commenting.
- All poets will receive a digital copy of the image depicted on the boot with a copy of all the verses just for playing.
Okay, so here is what you need to do:
- Follow this blog (if you aren't already).
- Comment on this post in any combination of the three ways below before the deadline (Monday, Oct. 24th 2011 midnight central time):
- A short verse/poem as long or short as you wish (include your name or your Blogger username will be used)
- A link where you're sharing this giveaway on a blog or social network like FB, Google+, etc...(for the extra entry in the tutorial drawing) You may use images of the boot or the badge found below.
- A note to let me know you are in for the tutorial drawing only.
- All of the above
- Have your email address available in your comment or profile for me to contact you if you're a winner. If I can't find your contact info, and you don't contact me within 24 hours of the announcement of the winners, I will draw a new winner. Also, if I don't have an address to ship to within one week of the announcements, I will also choose a new winner.
- By posting, you give me permission to display/distribute you creative writing (with credit given) for free in this post and in print for the other persons who participate.

Hope that covers everything. Sorry I'm so late getting this posted. Good luck to everyone!

Tiffany great work on this-and that toe is perfect-nice drama to it! The wind in your feathers a skull at your back Highlight your eyes so sexy and black! LOL (-Oh Oh! is this a pg-13 Blog?)
Okay Part 2 of poem! The wind in your feathers, a skull at your back Highlight your eyes so sexy and black But alas my love,soon we must fly For in full scope of these cats we certainly shall die So beckon our wings to depart from this wall For our fate shall be written in blood should we stall And Raven and Ravenette will no longer be But a pile of bent feathers of you and me.
OOOO, Cathi....I love that one! What a great start! Going to be tough to follow, I'm sure. LOVED the last line! "...pile of bent feathers of you and me." LOVE it!
This is going to be SO fun! Everyone, please don't be intimidated by Cathi's word skillz. This is NOT a competition. Just a drawing. BTW, I told myself I wouldn't clog up this post's comment section with all my blathering replies, but I had to comment. I'm going to try to stay quiet in here. It's hard to resist. Wish me luck. :)
Oh, and yes, lets keep it PG-17. ;D
Wow, fun giveaway!! Great work on the boot! Oh boy a poem, not to good with those.
Okay, here goes:
Two little birds kissing on a gate
Along came a cat and...ate!!!
I know that doesn't compare to the awesome poem above!
Love the boot!! and the giveaway challenge. Here is my entry:
Resigned to our fate
We sit upon this gate.
While under the eyes of the moon
I will sing a lover’s tune
As we wait for black to announce
Their presence with a pounce.
I added your button and link on the side bar of my blog. I really love your boots! I am happy to spread the word!
There once was a gal named Miel
Who made witch boots particularly well.
You best keep your money
She won't sell you one, honey
She's giving one (but don't anyone tell).
More chances for us to win it!
Haha, Connie!! But, that's not nice. Not giving others a chance to own a boot. Besides, you already own one! LOL! ;)
Funny stuff!I have no idea where the poem came from-I guess you just inspired me!!!LOL AND-the tutorial is great! I have never done paper mache-I was being punished that day in 3rd grade when the entire class did it and they made me watch! I was traumatized-Ha Ha! Anyhow-it is a great medium to make my buoys more 3d,owl beak, feet legs and now a mask-I am so happy I found your totally cooool boots!!!!
By the way I love your so called "blathering replies"!!!
Okay! Contest is officially at an end as of last night. We're going to be drawing the winners tonight. Thanks to all who participated. Good luck to each of you!
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