The daughter has been super busy sewing lately. Especially now that school is out for the summer, and it's stinking HOT outside. Thought I'd take a moment to dote on her progress. She really deserves it. Remember back here when I posted about a book called "Super Cute" by Parragon and the projects she started making? Gotta say, WOW! She's off trying her own things, now. One of the last projects finished was this adorable bunny. She got the idea for the body construction from a pattern we found for a Pointy Kitty from Wee Wonderfuls. (ADORABLE PATTERN that you must check out!!) After a few attempts with felt and other fabrics like cotton quilt fabircs, the daughter decided to switch to using polar fleece scraps. She found it much easier to work with. (I don't blame her.) ;)

Here is her steampunk'd version of a mushroom inspired by the book. Again, she used polar fleece for the body. She made the felt top hat when we attended the Steampunk Invasion of Scarborough Faire back in April. :) (Between us, I think this was a ploy to take the mushroom with her to faire. She decided to make it part of her own costume.) ;)

Here's the mushroom (sans hat) with his fruit/veggie friends, baby carrot (with diaper) and cherry.

Her first experiments with polar fleece were these figures (from left to right: a mini of herself, a "yetti", a monkey, and a tooth pillow.) I simply LOVED the twist tie glasses on her mini-self! But, the "yetti"is pretty cute. Reminds me of something that should be in the Monster's Inc movie.

Here is a pic of an older version of herself in felt with a stitched yarn ball and a bear. I was impressed at her determination on her embroidery work. I thought she was going to give it up about half way through. I know I have very little patience for hand stitching, myself. Being only 9 years old, I imagine her attentions span is still very short, but she persevered.

These were some cute figures inspired by the book. She made a brown bunny, white chick and pink pig. I like how she's trying different treatments on the seams, eyes, ears and such in her work.

After her experiments in sewing with thread, she also gave yarn a try. Here, she stitched some knitting loom experiments together to make a cupcake with decorations. She stitched up a sock character with a drawn on face and put eyes and chopsticks on a ball or yarn. She also made a first attempt at crochet in the little white ball with eyes.
Speaking of crochet, she has started to take an interest in it. I gave her a pile of small balls of leftover yarn to play with. After hiding away for a long moment, she came running back all excited that she was "crocheting". When I saw her attempts at a crochet chain, without instructions mind you, it was wonderful! (Wish I could find what she did with it.) She almost had to figured out! Better than I could say of my own attempts with instruction. But, I thought we'd look up some "other" techniques just to broaden our skills. ;) We also looked up how to make crochet amigurumi animals.

After making a few test pieces, she decided to make stuff out of the samples. Here's an ice cream cone with face. So happy she's enjoying herself making things. She went to visit her aunt and cousin this weekend and took a bag FULL of her projects to show off. :) Now she and her cousin are making some stuffies together. Can't wait to see how they turn out!
I know I promised some more reworked felt hats made by the man this time. I'm working on getting some good pics. It's hard to get him to pose for me, and my styrofoam head isn't large enough to hold them. Until then, happy crafting!