To decorate the can for the OYP Halloween Swap I made a paper mache boot:

Note the Pringles guy JOL.

The can leg is removable and is a poison bottle. On it's label were the contents of the package inside. I didn't tak any pics of it finished, but my partner has a
pic in the gallery images. Here is the label:

My sister came up with the idea to add what I'm calling "fiendship" pins to the laces:

To make the paper mache boot I used a large Frosted Flakes cereal box for the sides and some free newspapers I dug out of the post office trash cans by the mailboxes for most of the rest of it. (Yes, I was dumpster diving for them. It's usually only full of junk mail discarded when sorting mail, anyway, so :p.) I used a cut up toilet paper tube for the heel. Everything was held together with masking tape before I pasted the newspaper strips on. I glued it with wallpaper paste, although Elmer's glue watered down would work just as well. The paste that I used , which is a powder, I've had since 1991! That's some old paste! Worked like new! I can't believe I've hauled that stuff with me for this many years. Still have a lot left, too.
Anyway, here are some pics before I painted it:

I'll be posting each item separately and linking them all in my last post. To many pics for one post!