I've been busy, but found a little last minute time to make some more improvements to/for our yurt. I've posted about Yurtle a couple times. This time I painted some stools and a small table.

As you may noticed in the pic above, we've been using milk crates in place of chairs for a while now. We've pretty much given up on those folding aluminum camping chairs everyone has, because our crates don't walk away on their own or get easily broken. Not to mention crates are dead useful for packing. They may not be the most comfy things and a little blah to look at. But, with limited space in the Jeep anything that serves more than one purpose gets a better chance at coming with us.

We had some leftover scrap wood from some previous yurt improvements, so we decided to make our crates even more useful by making wood tops for them. This way they can be used as a table and some stools without having to dump out the contents and turning them upside down to do so. These stools are a lifesaver when I need to lace boots. I can also use them as a night stand next to the bed. They also keep things out of sight when we are walking about. Plus, I've found that most 13 gallon trash bags will fit perfectly over the crates. This is great for storing perishables and items we want to keep dry and bug free. The stool lids are made with a lip that allows them to sit down in the crate to seal it nicely.

Eight crates pack down to a convenient cube or can be rearranged to fit where ever we can get them in. It's usually always a game of Tetris to get everything to fit in the car.

We normally bring between 6-8 crates depending on how much equipment we need and how long the trip is for. However, with nine crates we found we can arrange them into taller bar stools and table. ;)

But, a six or four crate arrangement fits just right inside the yurt with a couple spare stools for guests. Later I want to go back and paint some black on the stool tops leaving the border and center flower designs red for more contrast. But, ideally I want to make some removable cushion covers. My sis gifted me some black pleather that will work perfectly.

I think the table top is a wee small. (Would make a perfect Viking shield.) I would like to make a slightly larger one later, but it works for now. This table was actually a round piece cut from the center of our new yurt crown you can see below. We made the table top design to match.

Not long ago after the storm last year at TRF, we redesigned our yurt crown to make it lighter and more secure. Since we were redoing it anyway, we thought it could use a bit of dressing up. The cut out design allows better ventilation and light. A friend said the design resembles a dreamcatcher. Since we sleep under it, that would be fitting. :) We may just be a bit paranoid after last year, but those cables were added to keep the roof members from pulling out in any strong gusts of wind ripping through the door opening.

Also made some red shelves that hang on the wall, but I haven't gotten a pic of yet. I'll try to get some action shots at TRF in the next couple weekends. Really looking forward to staying in it again! Now to get some last minute costuming and packing done!