If you follow my craft page on Facebook, you might have seen that I recently entered a corset decorating contest held by Orchard Corset. The challenge was to embellish one of their corset styles using whatever material we wanted to. Well, the results are in, and though I didn't place I consider my results a win for me. I'm happy with my new corset, which probably wouldn't have been finished without the motivation of the contest. There were some really nice entries you can see in OC's Pinterest board.

It was slightly frustrating and labor intensive, but also an enjoyable learning experience that I managed to squeeze in between my other projects. (...and the main reason I didn't get a new witch BOO't available for this year.)

For my concept I wanted to do something with spooky trees similar to some of my witch boo'ts, but I stumbled across a raven in an image on Pinterest called "The Doorman" by Katya Horner that sparked my creativity. I liked the idea of an illusion of a gilded cage where it looks as if you are looking in at a raven in a cage or out from behind a gate/cage at the raven in the woods.

I chose to use their 345 corset. I purchased one that was slightly uneven at the bottom edge, so I wanted to try my hand removing the binding to correct it, anyway. I figured the single boning channels would work well as part of the cage bars. While I had it apart to trim the lower edge I removed the boning and labeling the pieces to put them back in order. Removing the boning would prevent it from rusting when I dyed the beige/tan color with RIT's Aquamarine and Denim liquid fabric dye. I diluted just a little before applying it with a sponge brush. I avoided dying the boning channels only because I was going to paint them anyway, and they are thick and would take longer to dry. It is hard to see the two-tone color variation in the pics, but I was sorta going for a blurry shadow look for depth behind my imagery.

Once I had it dried, I wanted to try a few different mediums on my wearable cotton twill art canvas. ;) I drew the raven and branches in place with pencil before going over it with permanent marker. I know marker isn't the best choice, but I really didn't want to make the panels on the corset too stiff with paint. This corset has not been broken in, and I imagine it still needs to do a bit of stretching to conform to me. Once I had the design on I started painting the boning channels black with craft paint.

Next, I brushed a thin coat of bronze craft paint over the black channels. I also traced over the spiral designs with a mix of slick fabric paint in black and metallic gold that made a darker antique gold before adding some painted faux rivets to the channels. In hind sight I find it just a little too dark to contrast with the black silhouette branches in some lighting. I would like add a little more gold and go back over them.

After I was done decorating the corset, I found some brown bias tape to replace the bulkier double-layer tan twill binding that came on the corset. The brown actually matches with the bronze paint pretty well. Originally, I was thinking about using black binding and painting it like the boning channels, but opted not to thinking it would make the binding stiff and rough at the edges.

That's pretty much everything. You can see more of the progress pics and supplies in the Pinterest board created for the contest here:
Though I really love painting my witch boo'ts and other decorative projects, it's kinda cool to be able to wear your creations. I had a lot of fun on this. I really want to try another. I found an irregular 426 long line Orchard Corset in tan, but it will need way more correction before I can decorate it. Should have some costuming and props to show in the meantime.